
class in AltSystems.AltTrees


This is the main class - the manager.

Attention! At this time, you can not save changes during the play mode. Wait in future versions.

Public Variables

isInitialized Is the manager initialized? readonly

Public Functions

getTrees Get trees and objects in the zone.
addTrees Add trees and objects.
editTree Edit the tree or object.
removeTrees Delete trees or objects.
getIdManager Get Id Manager
getPrototypesList Get a list of prototypes added to the manager.
getPrototype Get the prototype by the id, added to the manager.
addFrustumCullingCamera Add Camera for Frustum Culling
removeFrustumCullingCamera Delete Camera for Frustum Culling
addDistanceCamera Add a Camera for check the Distance to the trees and objects.
removeDistanceCamera Delete a Camera for check the Distance to the trees and objects.
getFrustumCullingCamerasList Get Cameras List for Frustum Culling
getDistanceCamerasList Get Cameras List for check the Distance to the trees and objects.

Static Functions

getPrototypesListInProject Get a list of prototypes available in the project. Only for the editor.
getPrototypeInProject Get the prototype by the id, available in the project. Only for the editor.


altTreesLoaded Add a delegate to this to get notifications when a manager has initialized.


LoadedDelegate Delegate type for altTreesLoaded event. Milliseconds - the time taken to initialize.