


LOD Distances

LOD Distances

Property: Function:
LOD Distances The distance switching for LODs, Billboard and Culling.



Property: Function:
Is Object Objects do not have the Far Billboards. It is recommended to activate for the grass, flowers, stones and other small objects.
Draw Plane Billboard Draw Near Billboard?
Mesh Cross-fade Cross-fade for the transition "mesh to mesh"
Billboard Cross-fade Cross-fade for the transition "mesh to billboard" and "billboard to mesh"
Main Color The main color of the tree.
Hue Leaves Random Hue leaves for planting.
Hue Bark Random Hue bark for planting.
Billboard MipMap Bias Mip map bias of the billboard texture. A positive bias makes a texture appear extra blurry, while a negative bias sharpens the texture.
Billboard Normals MipMap Bias Mip map bias of the billboard normalMap. A positive bias makes a texture appear extra blurry, while a negative bias sharpens the texture.


Density Objects Factor

Density Objects Factor

Property: Function:
Density Objects Factor Density Objects Factor. Set 0, that "Density Objects" has no effect on that object.



Wind SpeedTree

Wind SpeedTree

Property: Function:
Intensity Wind intensity factor for this tree.
Configuration Status loading a configuration file: loaded / not loaded
Load File Config Select and load the configuration file


Wind TreeCreator

Wind TreeCreator

Property: Function:
Intensity Wind intensity factor for this tree.
Bending Coefficient Tree bending coefficient
Turbulence Coefficient Tree turbulence coefficient


GPU Instancing

GPU Instancing

Property: Function:
GPU Instancing GPU Instancing.  Recommended to activate this option for low-poly objects and trees, which are a large number on the scene (grass, flowers, shrubs ...). This option only affects for the mesh. For all the billboards, this option is always enabled.




Property: Function:
Colliders Colliders for the meshes.
Billboard Colliders Colliders for near billboards.


PBR Settings

PBR Settings

Property: Function:
Leaves Specular A Specular color is used to control the color and strength of specular reflections in the material. This makes it possible to have a specular reflection of a different color than the diffuse reflection for instance.
Leaves Smoothness Smoothness for Leaves. More information: (Specular setup)
Bark Specular A Specular color is used to control the color and strength of specular reflections in the material. This makes it possible to have a specular reflection of a different color than the diffuse reflection for instance.
Bark Smoothness Smoothness for Bark. More information: (Specular setup)




Property: Function:
Leaves Materials for leaves.
Bark Materials for bark.




Property: Function:
Shader Billboard Shader for Billboard
Shader Billboards Group Shader for far Billboards Group
Shader Billboard Antialiasing Antialiasing shader for generating billboard.


Billboard Generation Settings

Billboard Generation Settings

Property: Function:
Antialiasing Antialiasing for generating billboard.
Normalmap Normalmap for billboard.
Size Texture Size billboard texture
Ambient Mode Ambient Mode for generating billboard.
Ambient Light Ambient Light for generating billboard.
Ambient Intensity Ambient Intensity for generating billboard.
Texture ImporterType Texture ImporterType for billboard texture
FilterMode FilterMode for billboard texture
MipMap MipMap for billboard and normalmap textures
AnisoLevel AnisoLevel for normalmap texture
Normal Scale Normal Scale for generating billboard.